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Denver Post Taking Marijuana Ads

There was a big fuss a month ago when Facebook rejected ads for Just Say Now, a grass-roots movement urging legalization of marijuana for adult personal use.

The Denver Post today has a long article on the changing landscape in marijuana politics. What I found interesting, was the ad banner at the top of the article.

Come on, Facebook. If the Denver Post can run an ad, why can't you?

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Why the Michael Bennet - Ken Buck Race Matters

A new poll shows the conservative tea-party favored Senate candidate, prosecutor Ken Buck, is leading among independents in Colorado.

In the state's highest profile race, Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck (R-Colorado) leads Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) 48 to 43 percent with eight percent going to another candidate and one percent undecided. Of the polling sample, Buck leads among self-described independents, 53 to 34 percent. He also leads decidedly among male voters, 52 to 37 percent, and among younger voters ages 18 to 34, 54 to 33 percent.

Where Sen. Michael Bennet is leading: Among women and older voters. Why? Because of Buck's positions against abortion and conflicting position on birth control and social security.

So Dems need to get out the female and older voters. Another reason it matters: The Personhood Amendment is on the ballot. If the anti-choice crowd comes out in greater numbers, the amendment, which grants constitutional rights from the moment of conception, has a greater chance of passing. [More...]

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Obama's New Chief of Staff: Pete Rouse

Pete Rouse will replace Rahm Emanuel as President Obama's Chief of Staff. Who?

A trusted adviser dating back to Obama's first days in the Senate, Rouse helped guide Obama's Washington rise. Obama once described Rouse as "completely ego-free."

He's known as a "fixer." Some insiders are skeptical.

[S]ome insiders question whether Rouse will be forceful enough to keep the rival power centers in the West Wing in check. Where Emanuel had his own base and was in many ways the dominant generator of ideas within the White House, Rouse is considered more of an arbitrator. He is also viewed as unthreatening by other senior members of the staff.

Obama will make the announcement at 11 a.m. Friday.

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Medical Marijuana Debate In Denver Today

At 4:30 pm MT (6:30 pm ET), there will be a debate on medical marijuana in Denver, hosted by actor Richard Belzer. It's part of the the Plant Medicine Expo and Healthcare Provider Conference being held at the downtown Denver Sheraton.

Belzer was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1984, and has since made a full recovery. The debate features Colorado elected officials and advocates on both sides of the medical marijuana issue.

Just Say Now and Firedoglake are live-streaming the debate. You can watch here. Among the participants is Stan Garnett, Boulder District Attorney, who is running for Colorado Attorney General against John Suthers. Full list below: [More...]

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Aspen: Down By the River

(Larger version here.)

I'm back from Aspen. Sunday was another spectacular day. I took these photos of the Roaring Fork River during a morning walk that began in Jaffe Park, about a mile from Woody Creek. The trail runs along the east side of the Roaring Fork River, just south of the Smith Road bridge and joins up with the Rio Grande trail, that takes you into Aspen. (The Rio Grande trail extends 41 miles, from Aspen to Glenwood Springs.)

More photos here and here . [More...]

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Saturday Afternoon Open Thread: Aspen Edition

The town is filling up. Volleyball tournaments are well underway around town.

....nearly every blade of grass in most of Aspen’s major parks — including Wagner, Rio Grande and Iselin, and, of course, the sand courts at Koch Lumber and Willoughby — have been taken over by the event, which has been the largest doubles tournament in the nation for more than a decade.....more than 5,000 players and spectators [are expected to] converge on Aspen for the weekend, where about 600 teams compete for prize money.

We had an excellent dinner at Gisella last night, Anita has this photo up at Owl Farm Blog, taken by our friend and dining companion, Pamela Hart.

It's another picture perfect day, and time to get outdoors. This is an open thread, all topics welcome, and let us know what's on your agenda this weekend.

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Labor Day Weekend: Open Thread

The weather in Aspen could not be better. It's sunny, the air is crisp, the scenery picture-perfect. There was zero traffic driving up yesterday afternoon. Today the crowds will begin arriving.

Jazz Aspen Snowmass kicks off tonight with Wilco. The remaing nights:

Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh of the Eagles will headline Saturday at 7:15 p.m., and Martie Maguire and Emily Robison of the Dixie Chicks have formed their own side group — the Court Yard Hounds — which will open for the Eagles duo at 5 p.m.

Sunday: Leonard Skynyrd and the Black Crowes.

The peacocks are still sleeping here at Owl Farm, and so far, the only thing on the agenda is a hike.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday weekend, my posting will be light. Let us know your plans. This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Dan Maes Retracts Claims He Worked Undercover

Colorado Republican gubernatorial candidate (and Tea Party Fave) Dan Maes admitted today his claim that he worked undercover on a gambling and drug investigation while a police officer in Liberal, KS, which led to his firing, was either technically inaccurate or false. Here's what he wrote on his website:

"At one point in my 2 years there I was place (sic) undercover by the Kansas Bureau of Investigations (sic) to gather information inside a bookmaking ring that was also allegedly selling drugs. I got too close to some significant people in the community who were involved in these activities and abruptly was dismissed from my position. I was blindsided and stunned to say the least."

Normally, this wouldn't interest me much. But, the reason he was fired has not been disclosed and his personnel records are not public. And the KS law enforcement folks insist there's no record of Maes working on a gambling or drug investigation, undercover or otherwise. Nor can any who are still there recall him doing so. Plus, the former police chief of Liberal says his department never worked on such an investigation for the KS Bureau of Investigation. [More...]

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With Dems Like This . . .

The Democratic candidate for Senator in Colorado Michael Bennet:

Regarding spending during his time in office [Bennet] said, “We have managed to acquire $13 trillion of debt on our balance sheet” and, “in my view we have nothing to show for it.” Speaking of the debt, he said our debt almost equals the economy. Regarding the current job situation, Bennet said the situation has been dire for over a decade saying, “We have created no net new jobs in the United States since 1998” which were the last two years of the Clinton administration. Pointing to a slide showing budget expenditures, he said that currently 65 percent of the budget was for social security, Medicaid and Medicare expenditures and that we could not grow our way out of debt.

Regarding the expiration of the Bush tax cuts Bennet would not commit to a position on whether to extend them simply saying, “I hope we look at it comprehensively.”

(Emphasis supplied.) Hell of a progressive candidate we got there. Sheesh. Mark this one down in the "who cares if he wins or loses" column. And yes, I expressed support for Bennet in the primary. I regret that support right now.

Speaking for me only

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McInnis Loses, Maes and Tancredo to Face Hickenlooper for Gov

In a very close race, businessman Dan Maes has beat Scott McInnis for the Colorado Republican Gubernatorial election in November. The Post says Tancredo will run against both Maes and Hickenlooper. Best thing that could happen. Maes and Tancredo will split the Republican vote and likable Mayor Hickenlooper will sail to victory.

There could be a required recount in the Maes-McInnis race.

There still remained a possibility the primary may drag through another week. If two candidates finish within the margin of half a percentage point, it triggers an automatic recount in Colorado. A candidate may also request a recount if the margin is larger, but has to pay for it.

At midnight, with 100% reporting, the votes were Dan Maes (196,560) 50.6
Scott McInnis (191, 209) 49.3

Maes "ran as the underdog, the non-establishment candidate, backed by Tea Party supporters but without much money." He explained his platform tonight:

He said that if he becomes govenor, he plans to "eliminate the influence of unions on state employees, stop subsidizing abortions." He added that he also will reverse Gov. Bill Ritter's increase in vehicle registration fees and will "enroll the state in a program that deports illegal alien criminals."


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Text of Sen. Michael Bennet's Primary Night Victory Speech

Received by e-mail from the Bennet Campaign: Senator Michael Bennet's full speech tonight after his primary win:

Thank You, Colorado!

Aren't we lucky to have Mark Udall representing us in the Senate? Thank you, Mark.

It was just a week ago that the political pundits and Washington odds-makers started to count us out. They didn't think we were negative enough, that the way to win was to shout the loudest and angriest; to spend more time talking about our opponent than talking about what we stand for.

To the pundits and talking heads, I have a simple message: Welcome to Colorado.


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Colorado Primary: And the Winner Is....Sen. Michael Bennet

Update: Gov. Bill Ritter and Sen. Mark Udall are with Sen. Bennet at the Bennet celebration. Sen. Bennet made some gracious comments about Andrew Romanoff. At his election party, Romanoff expressed his support for Bennet and asked his supporters to do the same.

Ken Buck said voters will have a clear choice in November: "between conservative Ken Buck and Liberal Michael Bennet." He said the differences between Buck and Jane Norton were miniscule by comparison. Norton asked her supporters tonight to support Buck.

The Republican gubernatorial primary is still too close to call, between Scott McInnis, recently beset by plagiarism issues, and Dan Maes, the Tea Party-supported candidate. If McInnis wins, Tom Tancredo is waiting in the wings. The Democratic candidate, popular Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, should be shoo-in, particularly if McInnnis and Tancredo are both in the race, splitting Republican voters.

Update: Sen. Bennet's statement to supporters (received by e-mail):[More...]

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