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Friday Open Thread

I'm about to start my residence move. I take possession of my new place on Monday, and have the old place until the 30th. I haven't been able to blog much so far during August, and expect that to continue until the last week in August.

I'm considering it a "hiatus" but I'll try to keep some open threads going.

Moving is very stressful.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome. Please be civil.

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Thursday Open Thread

I'm sorry for my lack of posting. Work and trying to get ready to move has consumed almost all my time.

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Trump: Miss Fourth of July Brings Nothing But Thorns

I just waved goodbye to Miss Fourth of July
The queen of the roses has left us with nothing but thorns
Don't say we never tried, Miss Fourth of July

From Reuters: Trump casts himself, military, Republican VIPs as stars of July 4th pageant

So Donald Trump, in a blaze of inimitable narcissistic infamy, robs us of the meaning of the Fourth of July holiday by bringing tanks and the military to the streets of Washington, D.C., for no reason other than to pretend his crown has not fallen off his head.

He is no King, he is no President and he certainly is not a leader. I wish everyone would just ignore this latest equivalent of a temper tantrum by Little Miss Fourth of July. He's not even worth a protest. He should go back to his desk in the Oval Office and sulk as he ponders why no one came out to applaud him and who to blame. But, he won't. He'll go play golf.

This is a Fourth of July I won't be watching the news and I certainly won't listen to a word he says.

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Donald Trump's Photo Op at the DMZ

It's midnight in New York, and CNN just cut to Seoul where Donald Trump and the South Korean President Moon are about to hold a news conference. But the big news apparently is that Trump is hoping the North Korean leader Kim Jong will meet him a few miles away at DMZ. Trump says he will walk across the line of demarcation into North Korea to meet him if necessary.

CNN analysts call it a photo op. No serious policy change will result.

During the presser, Moon says he will go to the DMZ with Trump. Trump then talks and says he'll make a short statement because he's going to the DMZ to meet Kim. He rambles for a bit and says he made the offer to Kim yesterday and Kim agreed.

He is ad-libbing. He says Obama begged for a meeting and Kim wouldn't meet. But Kim is looking forward to meeting with him.

He said he's had the idea to meet Kim for a long time but he just thought of it yesterday and extended the offer to Kim.[More...]

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Good Riddance, Sarah Sanders

Good Riddance to Sarah Sanders who is leaving her job which consists of ensuring Donald Trump's opinions get more media play.

Sanders is nothing but a Trump shill with a bit more spine than some of the others who reportedly were in contention for the job.

I wish her well, I just hope she stays away from politics, as her credibility score calculated on her own acheivements, has got to be less than zero.

I also doubt anyone will remember her name in 3 years (unless she did something bad while serving Trump, and gets added to a future Indictment charging him.

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Colorado Hits $1 Billion in Marijuana Tax Revenue

It took only five years for Colorado to take in $1 billion in tax revenue from legal marijuana.

According to the DOR, the state currently has 2,917 licensed marijuana businesses and 41,076 individuals who are licensed to work in the industry. In a statement announcing the new tax milestone, Governor Jared Polis wanted to make sure that growth continued as more states legalize marijuana for medical and recreational purposes.

I am so glad that Jared Polis is our new governor.

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Bachelorette Hannah: A Hit or Misfire?

Bachelorette Hannah is starting her "journey to find love" and taking us along for the ride.

She has a very annoying southern accent, and has trouble articulating her thoughts. She is so syrupy it's enough to turn me off sugar completely. At first, I wasn't going to watch. But, having seen the previews, it looks like she will be so raw and unfiltered, I'm going to give it a chance. [More...]

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Happy Mothers Day Open Thread

To all our readers who are Moms, we wish you a very Happy Mother's Day. And for those of you who are not, if your mom is still around, be thankful and don't forget to call.

I'm going to be late for my own Mother's Day get-together if I don't hurry up and go offline. I'd hate to miss spending some time with this little one:

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Denver Votes to Legitimize 'Shrooms

Denver is the first city in the U.S. to effectively legitimize psilocybin mushrooms. By a slim 2,000 vote margin, voters yesterday passed Ordinance 301:

A "yes" vote was a vote in favor of making the adult possession and use of psilocybin mushrooms the lowest law enforcement priority in Denver and prohibiting the city from spending resources on enforcing related penalties.


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Happy Passover and Open Thread

Passover begins tonight at sundown. Tomorrow is 4/20. Cochella is streaming live on You Tube this weekend. Sunday is Easter.

Monday night, La Reina del Sur 2 returns on Telemundo, with English subtitles and the terrific Kate del Castillo back in the lead role. It's been 8 years since season 1 and many of the cast members who survived Season 1 are returning. I've been waiting for months for the return, and I'm not going to miss a single minute. [More..]

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Cher: The Icon

Cher was the star guest on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night. Towards the end of the show, the three singer-actresses who play her in the Broadway show "Cher" came on with her for a talking segment. After the commercial break, the three actresses were on stage singing "If I Could Turn Back Time." At one minute and 2 seconds in, Cher joined them.

After another commercial, the lead Cher actress was on stage singing "You Got Me Babe" with the Cher show cast member who plays Sonny(he is absolutely adorable.) About 1 minute and 3 seconds into the song, Cher comes out, dressed in an almost identicial outfit as the actress just singing and continues the duet with Sonny.

When Cher belted out the line "I got you to understand", I got chills up and down my arms that stayed for the rest of the song. It was just like watching them in 1965. Her voice remains incredibly strong and she is great physical shape -- even her skin has never looked better. [More...]

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Mick Jagger is OK After Heart Procedure

Mick Jagger has had a heart procedure performed at a New York hospital and is feeling fine. The show will go on, just at later dates, most likely beginning in July.

The procedure is called "transcatheter aortic valve replacement." (Is that a fancy name for a stent?) Billboard reports:

Doctors were able to access Jagger's heart valve through his femoral artery and are now monitoring the Rolling Stones frontman for any complications that could arise from the procedure, including excess bleeding.

Get well, Mick. And please reschedule Denver!

Update: Answer to my question: Yes, it is kind of like a stent.

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