
Kobe Bryant's Defense Team

The new issue of Newsweek has an excellent profile on Pamela Mackey and Hal Haddon, Kobe Bryant's defense counsel. Some quotes from lawyers who know them:

“Pam is always on the attack for her client, not on defense,” says attorney Larry Pozner. Despite the tailored suits and piercing interrogations, Mackey, 47, bucks the stereotype of the ruthless, high-paid defense attorney. She represented indigent clients in the public defender’s office: “Pam had an incredible dedication to people who had nothing, who were nobody,” says Mark Johnson, her former boss there.

.... How nasty a fight are Mackey and Haddon prepared to wage? “I think she will attack [Kobe’s accuser’s] story , as opposed to her character ,” says Jeralyn Merritt, a defense lawyer. “She’s not mean-spirited.”

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