
Ralph Nader Calls for Withdrawal of Troops from Iraq

Ralph Nader today called for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq within six months. He has a three part plan:

He said he would create an international peacekeeping force under United Nations auspices, promote Iraqi self-rule through independent elections and provide humanitarian aid to stabilize the country....."The key is this," Nader told reporters: "How do you separate the mainstream Iraqis from the insurgents when the mainstream Iraqis now are increasingly opposed to our presence there and increasingly, quietly or otherwise, supporting the insurgents? "The way you do it is you declare you are getting out."

The longtime consumer advocate said that the international peacekeeping force he advocated would be drawn from neutral nations and from Islamic countries. Nader said the election process should be carried out at the same time as the six-month withdrawal and done under international supervision.

In other Iraq news, the BBC is reporting Honduras has announced it will withdraw its troops from Iraq. Reuters report on Honduras is here. And two U.S. soldiers have left their units and are seeking asylum in Canada.

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