
Pursuing a DREAM

by TChris

High school students gathered on the White House lawn yesterday to stage a mock graduation ceremony. The students -- children of immigrants who haven't been legally admitted to the United States -- hoped to call attention to the DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act, a proposed law that would allow such students to become permanent citizens after two years of college, trade school or military service.

"Under current law, these young people generally derive their immigration status solely from their parents," the National Immigration Law Center said in a statement, "and if their parents are undocumented or in immigration limbo, most have no mechanism to obtain legal residency even if they have lived most of their lives [in the U.S.]. The DREAM Act provides such a mechanism for those who are able to meet certain conditions."

The story of Marie Gonzales illustrates the need for this legislation.

DREAM Act "valedictorian" Marie Gonzales, 18, was born in Costa Rica but came to Missouri with her family when she was 5. The honor student grew up with dreams of college and law school, and she participated in the same after-school activities and classes as the highest-achieving kids in her state.

But in 2002 her father received a call from the Immigration and Naturalization Services informing him the family's visa had expired. After many trials and hearings, the family was ordered to be deported, but an appeal has been filed. She says her family could be deported any day.

"It would be devastating," she said. "We knew we weren't citizens, but we didn't know we weren't legal. We paid taxes and worked hard."

The United States loses a wealth of talent by failing to recognize what people like Marie Gonzales would be able to offer. Unfortunately, the DREAM Act is not scheduled for any Congressional hearings.

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