
Rudi Giuliani Steps Right; Supports Ralph Reed

by Last Night in Little Rock

Former NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, an oft-mentioned potential presidential candidate for 08, spent yesterday in Georgia on the stump for former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed. But, Rudi had to hide his support for gay civil unions while visiting Georgia:

Former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani glided over his support for gay civil unions and declared heterosexual marriage to be "inviolate" on Thursday as he helped raise money for a former leader of the Christian Coalition, Ralph Reed, who is in a tough fight to become lieutenant governor of Georgia. For Mr. Giuliani, who is considering a run for the presidency in 2008, the political foray into the South allowed him to pocket a campaign chit from Mr. Reed that could be useful if the former mayor tries to build a national coalition that includes religious-minded Republicans, who are a core part of Mr. Reed's voter base.

Reporters asked Giuliani about the apparent contradiction between his stand in NY and his stand in GA, but he reaffirmed his support for gay civil unions. He's just against gay marriage.

As for President Bush's sinking poll numbers, Giuliani said, Pollyannaishly:

Introduced by Mr. Reed as "a great conservative," Mr. Giuliani urged Republicans to look toward the political landscape with optimism and to enthusiastically support President Bush, whose approval ratings are low. "We shouldn't be going to the American people with our heads down," Mr. Giuliani said. "We should be going with our heads up -- our policies work."

Well of course: What Republican is going to admit that Republican policies don't work? What Republican is going to admit that squandering a $7T surplus into a $8T deficit in just six years is a "Republican policy that works"? He must be in a parallel universe.

Hold on to the coattails of a drowning man, and you will drown, too.

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    Re: Rudi Giuliani Steps Right; Supports Ralph Reed (none / 0) (#2)
    by lilybart on Fri May 19, 2006 at 06:52:17 AM EST
    Guiliani is a fascist by nature. But he didn't just step right, he stepped into the mud of Abramoff corruption. He is a disgusting opportunist.

    Re: Rudi Giuliani Steps Right; Supports Ralph Reed (none / 0) (#3)
    by Peter G on Fri May 19, 2006 at 07:04:37 AM EST
    Giuliani declared traditional hetero marriage to be "inviolate"?! Is this the same guy who left his wife and openly took up with another woman while he was mayor of New York City?

    Re: Rudi Giuliani Steps Right; Supports Ralph Reed (none / 0) (#4)
    by scribe on Fri May 19, 2006 at 07:07:14 AM EST
    Rudy will be popular down south: he likes to have his cops beat minorities, he hates civil rights, he's a hypocritical hypermoralist and he used to be married to his cousin. How could people from Georgia not love him?

    It feels so great to finally get my absentee ballot. NP means non partison,49 means 49th district. To be identified with any fire breathing phony like Rudi Giuliani would make me ill. If that's the best they got to run,it's almost a no brainer Rudi Giulianiis going to be playing the gut wrenching 9/11 event over and over. Rudi Giuliani reminds me of John Kerry all they need to do is graft a Herman Munster chin on him and presto a can't do better than that clone is made for the ages.

    Re: Rudi Giuliani Steps Right; Supports Ralph Reed (none / 0) (#6)
    by oldtree on Fri May 19, 2006 at 08:38:06 AM EST
    we can watch as rome burns, but there is so much humor involved that we can see as we learn to die. rudy is obviously a stand up guy, he is supporting someone that is known to be neck deep in the bribery scandal with jackoff, so what does this mean? let us guess; rudy is deep in it too? ralphie has something big on rudy that he is threatening to reveal? why else would rudy go south? why would any tick think he can do this? he really thinks he would be acceptable as a candidate? you have to laugh and learn to play the violin at the same time rudy, then maybe you can get a job in vaudeville, it would equal your talents

    Possibly you've heard the observation that when really big money shows up at heretofore struggling operations (the venture capital guys take an interest in your little firm, your screenplay gets greenlighted, etc.), the possibility of fulfilled greed makes previously reasonable people start acting like jackasses. Apparently, the prospect of being president does similar things to politicans. I'm not a huge fan of Guiliani or McCain, but whatever you thought of them, they didn't suck up to the nose-in-other-people's-bedrooms crowd. Until they thought they had a shot at the White House. Pity. These two were the last adults in the GOP.

    Molly, NYC It's a little sad. It never seems that effective either. When politicians move their positions for political expedience it always seems to ring hollow. That Bush's steadfastness and genuineness has always been one of his chief strengths as a politician. For better or worse, I don't usually question whether Bush actually believes in his own policies, disasterous as they may be. Bush comes off as a believer. Gore and Kerry both struggled with this, and Hillary will too. It's hard to appear genuine when you're not.